Thursday, July 17, 2014

These boots (well, more like super cute flats) are made for walkin'...

When I look back on my past, I am so grateful that today I can live a life joyous and free. No longer do my addictions dominate my every waking thought. No longer do I hate my life, myself, and the whole darn world. One of the greatest joys for me now is the ability to give back to those who still struggle with addiction, self-harm, and low self esteem. Because, I get it. I recall nights spent in front of the mirror, hating the person that stared back at me. The all encompassing rage towards myself no longer looms over me, threatening to consume me whole.

The journey hasn't been easy. In fact, a lot of the time I have felt confused and uncomfortable. Until now I have never learned what it meant to be healthy both towards myself and others. My relationships were constant chaos and intense emotional outbursts. For a long time, my eating disorder stole my ability to feel emotions. I still am learning how to feel in a healthy way. Life has given me many opportunities to practice. And for me, that is the only way I have been able to learn what works for me and what doesn't.

Life has taken on a whole new meaning. First, I had to learn to stop taking everything so damn seriously. When I finally cleaned the fog off my lenses, I could see that life can be pretty comical. (Especially with kids involved). It's kind of embarrassing to admit this, but there was a time when I really thought horrible things would happen if I didn't vacuum the carpet everyday. I've realized on a deeper level what the saying "living life on life's terms" means to me. My journey isn't perfect, nor will it ever be. But it's all good opportunities for me to practice growing up and growing inwards.


  1. Good thing horrible things don't happen if you don't vacuum daily. I would be tortured. Actually, I used beat myself up all the time for being "lazy" and such, but I am getting over it now. Great post.

  2. You have come far, 'grasshopper'. Kudos!

  3. Jan, I sometimes still feel like I'm being lazy too.. But it's progress not perfection. And thanks, turtle woman ;)
